Before I begin forcing my opinion down your throat I feel I must apologise for my tardiness as of late. I have been quite a busy lad as of late doing various bits and pieces to do with Awkward Cough and Theatre and Edinburgh Fringe Festival Things and this morning I watched "La Regle du Jeu" which (interesting fact for fans of fact) may well be the best flick that LoveFilm have been kind enough to allow me the loan of. Well worth a look.
Anyway, yes, due to my business as of late I feel I have neglected my Cinemazov duties. A fact Joe was all too quick to point out to me. So here I am decreeing that I will be a nicer and more efficient and frequent blogger. Right, let's get it on.
I dunno about y'all but I love a good film set in a prison. & I don't mean seedy explotation grindhouse "woman with large breasts in nazi prisons" films.
No Offense intended, Ilsa.
I mean hopeful redemptive one man against the corrupt faceless terrible prison system, triumph over adversity prison/prison escape films. The kind of film that "The Great Escape" is, y'know? Which, by the way, I haven't included in this list as it seemed a far too obvious choice (Plus I felt it served better as an example) and we all know it's awesome.