My Film Of 2011
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Films aren't just about story, visual spectacle or cultural impact, that's what we have paintings, sculptures and novels for. Film is a medium with everything and when you have everything you have to work extremely hard to make each individual element work. We Need To Talk About Kevin achieved this complicated balancing act and made it seem blissfully simple and yet wonderfully deep and complex. Story and the raw nature of Kill List was brutally impressive, the sound design and artistic beauty of Melancholia was shockingly moving and the pure nostalgic glee of Midnight in Paris was charming excellence. But We Need To Talk About Kevin took all of my senses to a truly amazing place that very few films have matched (two that have come close came out this year, seriously, 2011, hell of a year). It also is probably the only film I have seen that I can honestly say didn't try to beat the book but instead made itself something the book could never have been. I'm not writing off the novel, in fact this film (of course) could not have been achieved without it. Each element, including the novel, is integral and astounding.
The Best Of The Rest
The Tree of Life
Beautiful and profoundly moving
Kill List
A film I will honestly never forget
More than simply stylish but on the other hand, incredibly stylish
Midnight in Paris
Beyond entertaining and hilarious with a message that actually meant something
Familiar but (like all Trier films) like nothing I've ever seen
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, master of the ensemble spider-web proves he can control just one man.
(UK release 28th January 2011 so it counts!)
(UK release 28th January 2011 so it counts!)
Honorable Mentions
Post Mortem.................................................................................................................................................True Grit
Take Shelter........................................................................................Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II
The Skin I Live In......................................................................................................................................127 Hours
Source Code........................................................................................................................................Meek's Cutoff
Crazy Stupid Love............................................................................................................................................Senna
Troll Hunter.............................................................................................................................................Project Nim
Most Annoyed I Missed
A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas
I missed alot of films this year (Sleeping Beauty, 50/50, Weekend, Tyrannosaur) but I can honestly say that A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas is the only film I am actually upset about missing. Yes all those others film will probably be better but their is not one of them I feel won't be just as good on Blu-Ray, on my comfy sofa and not in a giant cinema screen. I hate 3D but I feel like this film is 2011's Jackass 3D and we all know how awesome that was. And before you scroll back up to re-read the last part of this, in which I attempted to be a film scholar, this is still me. Yes, I love stoner comedies, sue me.
Honorable Mentions
I am not joking, this is the only one.
Most Anticipated of 2012
Moonrise Kingdom
![]() |
Look at him, how could I not be excited! |
I can't think of one Wes Anderson film I haven't loved. Two of his films I would put in my top 50 films of all time and he has such a unique style that can't be matched. Sure we will finally get to see The Avengers after years of speculation and yes we are going to get a new Alien movie that will probably be brilliant but alas you can't beat Harvey Keitel and Roman Coppola (writer of second best Anderson film, The Darjeeling Limited) no matter how hard you try.
Honorable Mentions
Of course I am excited about the Films Sam has already mentioned especially The Dark Knight Rises these are some of the others.
Of course I am excited about the Films Sam has already mentioned especially The Dark Knight Rises these are some of the others.
-The Hobbit, geeky excitement abound.
-Prometheus, Ridley Scott back home at last.
-Django Unchained, seeing Tarantino in Sukiyaki Western Django was a great teaser for what he own spaghetti Western at the end of 2012
Bring on 2012!
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